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VIRTUAL GALLERY OF ART          Renato Birolli


          MSTELI  Mediterranean Structure of the

          Technical European Language Institute


          TEMPUS Programme  JEPs            

          Submitted by the EU - 2003

          duration of the project : 2 years

           Objective of the project                                            

           The activation of such basis of the institute of European Technical languages, and the use of such a structure

           which is previously  prepared for the future interpreters and translators who specialize in TEL, in at least two

           European languages.

§               Assure the complete alignment of the courses and the methods of education with those which correspond to

                 European Institutes and universities in the present consortium.

§               The activation of European language courses in the institute of European Technical languages, at the FLASH

                 Rabat and Tunis, helping  the more deserving students to get stage periods in the  European institutions or

                 enterprises related to their preferable future professional in their own country.

§               Planning of a programme for the exchange between the students of the new institute of European languages and

                 the students of the European institutes and universities which are members of the present consortium.

           The first  group of students who graduate as interpreters and translators in  two European languages, in addition

           to  their mother language, with the recognized bachelor from both parties (their own country, Italy and the European

           community), such degree which guarantees a distinguished linguistic competence in two European languages, and

           above all guarantees such graduates greater facility for their insertion in  European organizations.



          Working Group

          Lumes - Rome                                                                                     Coordinator

          University de la Manouba - Tunisia                                                     Country partners

          University Mohammed V Agdal - Rabat - Maorocco                             Country partners

          Université du Centre - Monastir - Tunisia                                              Country partners

          Scuola Superiore Mediatori Linguistici Gregorio VII - Rome              European Partner

          University of Granada  - Facolty di Translation and Interpretation            European Partner
