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VIRTUAL GALLERY OF ART          Giuseppe Migneco


          QAAIP  New Training Program

          on Quality Assurance of 

          Agri-Industrial Products


          TEMPUS Programme  JEPs            

           Project approved by the EU - 2003

           duration of the project : 3 years

           Objective of the project                                             


           Realization of appropriate training programme courses, relative to the following fields: productive technology,

           standard ISO, European norms, Standards and Regulations for Agro-Industrial Products, development of the

           Quality Infrastructure (standardisation, certification, testing, inspection, accreditation, quality, and metrology),

           relative procedures and opportunities in the context of  the Euro- Mediterranean agreement, economy  and

           feasibility studies, and methods of agric-industrial products of traceability during its chain of transformation,

           management (basics, regimes, methods, responsibilities, monitoring tools, etc.), in addition to language and

           computer  courses.

           Realization of a software platform for teaching purposes as simulation tools to improve the  knowledge and  

           capacity of speculative analysis of the trainees.

           Four-months teachers’ training course for 10trniees from the academic staff of both branches, at the seats of

           the European universities, concentrated on the following points: training on the curricula courses and teaching

          methods; training on the use of software platform previously developed; activating seminars and workshops, in

          which Egyptian and European experts will participate, visits to the European institutions interested in the quality

          control system for the processed agric products.

          Two four-months pilot courses: qualifying courses for 20 trainees from staff of  the CFI and UPEHC from all their 

          Egyptian seats,  through the activation of two cycles of the training program at the European universities,

          concentrated on the following points; training on the content of the previously realized curricula courses and on

          the software previously developed; in addition to a one-month period of practical placement  at the European

          institutions and industries interested  in the quality control system for the processed agric products.

          Creation and activation of a inter-partners network system at the two partner branches in Egypt which allows all

          Egyptian partners to connect with the European partners in order to allow a continuous updating of methodologies,

          studies, research, new issues and various problems of common interests. An important element to stimulate the

          alignment and the research methods related to this discipline with those of the corresponding European universities,

          and above all for a constant and active exchange of information between the Egyptian professors and their European

          colleagues, as between Egyptian structures and institutions and their European counterparts for a continuous

          updating on the evolution of methods and systems of quality control applied in the European firms.

          Providing the two branches of the agriculture faculty of Cairo university with  curricula courses and developed

          platform; moreover the necessary hardware to a gradual transferring of the training course to the two faculties

          in Egypt.

          Four cycles of the four months training programme in Egypt for total 56 trainees. Devoted to managers of

          institutions and industries working in the field of agric industrial in Egypt, with a relatively relevant international

          trade performance, two contemporary training courses held in  the two respective branches by Egyptian teachers

          previously trained abroad, in cooperation with European academic staff, with a feedback of planning on the first

          training program carried out at the two branches, that ensures that training continually evolves according to the

          trainees needs.


     Working Group

     Lumes - Rome                                                                                     Coordinator 

     University of Cairo - Facolty of Agriculture                                            Country   partner

     University of Cairo branch of Fayoum                                                Country   partner

     University of Tanta -  Egypt                                                                 Country   partner

     Chamber of Food Industries - Cairo                                                     Country partner

     Union of Producers and Exporters of Horticoltural Crops

     Ministry of Agriculture - Dokki - Cairo                                                      Country partner

     Universitat fur Bondenkultur - Vienna                                                  European partner

     Ecole Nationale Superieure des Industries

     Agricoles et Alimentares  -Montpellier - France                                     European partner

     Centre National de Promotion Rurale - Lempdes -  France                  European partner