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VIRTUAL GALLERY OF ART           Enrico Prampolini





      Course  Scenography

        Educational objectivies


       The course objective is the realization of a project set design aimed to ensure that students
       can express with greater coherence and means more correct idea of their direction, directing

       choices projects.

       It is believed that an attitude consistent with the matter should not be reduced to a mere

       propaganda of ideas or a simplistic adherence to a current of thought; should instead tackle

       the complexity of the issue in accordance with a broad vision but well structured: a rigorous

       phase analytical (which concerns the author's choice, the choice of the text and its consistent

       interpretation) is complemented by an intense design phase which, especially in the place of

       representation choice, particularly evocative as the added value of teaching experience.


        Themes and arguments


       Dealing with the topics of theatrical thus transform places, settling in the representations

       outside the theater, in archaeological sites, parks, famous works of architecture, abandoned

       industrial structures: the study of these spaces and the design of their reuse a function of one
       play, are phases of a coherent and spontaneous.

       To facilitate the choice of themes and circumscribe the scope, although very varied in content,
       course provides in addition to the basic bibliography, a list of authors and plays within which
       choose their own theme of examination, as well as some representatives of the project stage.

       The range of texts, theatrical and non, ranges from Rostand to Ibsen, from Sophocles to Handke,

       from Garcia Lorca to Pirandello. Each work is used as a tool to approach the design of a place
       from a traversed point of view,  there favors an approach uncontaminated the project itself, not
       influenced by the choice of a prior formal language.


         Teaching tools:

Presentation of the Course
The evolution of the concept of scenography in the history of the theater
The Greek, Roman and medieval theater 
The Renaissance, Elizabethan and Baroque Theatre 
The Shakespeare Theatre
Neoclassicism and Romanticism
The Theatre of the XX century (Part 1)
The Theatre of the XX century (Part 2)
Productions at the Teatro Comunale di Bologna
Glossary of terms of stagecraft

The Empty Space
The staging of the musical events
Internet @ theater
Scene in Video / Video Scene
The role of light
Hyper body: the dance in the contemporary theater
The relationship with the text
Interpretation of the text of Shakespeare's "The Tempest"
Pirandello and "The Feast of the Lord of the ship"

        Materials Laboratory: Laboratory Theatre and Landscape - Theatre of Multimedia -
                                        Staging applied


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